
Blue Corona

 with Central Desktop

Blue Corona uses Central Desktop to power its intranet, distributing critical company news and keeping everyone focused on shared long-term goals.

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It’s a good challenge to have: your company is growing so quickly that you have to reevaluate your tools and work processes. A few years ago, Blue Corona – a data-savvy marketing company that helps local businesses maximize their marketing budgets – realized that they’d outgrown Basecamp and required a more robust solution to drive collaboration and project management.

“After switching to Central Desktop, we quickly realized how Basecamp had limited us and how many processes we had developed around its limitations,” says Blue Corona president Ben Landers.

The company previously used multiple collaboration solutions. While Basecamp was the answer for project management, Box was used for file sharing. As a result, there was an occasional disconnect; a client contract wasn’t necessarily in the same place as spreadsheets related to a client project.

“We needed something that allowed for project dependencies. We needed a solution that married project management with file sharing. We needed a platform that could be customized for both internal and external client-facing projects,” says Landers. By making the switch to Central Desktop, where employees now “live and breathe… each and every day,” Blue Corona made significant, revenue-impacting gains in efficiency.

Blue Corona also uses Central Desktop to power its intranet, distributing critical company news and keeping everyone focused on shared long-term goals.

“From my perspective as the leader of the company, the largest return from implementing Central Desktop, and what allowed us to increase our net income by 800 percent in 2013 and more than 100 percent in 2014 vs. 2013, is the custom workspace used to host Blue Corona’s intranet,” says Landers.

Read the full case study to learn:

  • How iMeet Central helps drive significant gains in net income
  • Why Blue Corona switched from Basecamp to Central Desktop.
  • How customizable workspaces make an impact on efficiency and client delivery
  • How an effective company intranet can make a dramatic impact on ROI and company culture
  • Why you should consider consolidating within a single collaboration solution rather than use multiple solutions.

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